What age groups does the club cater for?
Under 8 - Under 21
When does the season start and finish?
Summer Season 2023/2024 starts Oct 2 2023 and goes through until March 16th 2024 _ finals
Winter Season will start in late April (24th) and complete around 3rd September + finals
How do I register my child?
Players need to be registered to Officer in PlayHQ with deposit paid and then also register details with the club to collect contact details and place uniform order. Link here
What age group will he/she play in?
According to the PDBA by-laws, your child's age group for summer season 22/23 will be determined based on the normal rules.
All junior players must be under the age of the age group they are playing in, as of the 31st of December, in the year that the playing season commences. For example, a player cannot register for an Under 16 compeIIon, if they turn 16 years of age before the 31st of December.
Please refer to below table to help determine your child’s correct age group based on the year they were born.
What day/time do the children play?
All teams play on a Saturday at Cardinia Life Pakenham between the hours of 8:30am and 4pm depending on your teams fixture.
4 Olympic Way, PAKENHAM
Additional games may be scheduled at Officer Community Hub
2 Parker St, OFFICER
If my child wishes to drop out at any point, who should I contact?
Contact your Team Manager who will be appointed prior to the commencement of the season. Otherwise
Who do I contact for registration information or questions?
Contact the club via the Contact Form at the top of this website, your Team Manager or
When will we be notified what team my child is in?
Parents will be notified which team their child will be placed into. For subsequent seasons teams will be finalised towards the end of the preceding season.
How will the club communicate with me?
The club will respond to emails via the Contact form on the website or via the Officer Basketball Facebook group or your child's teams Facebook Group and Members Group
When will we be notified of training days and times?
Once your child has been registered and allocated a team you will be contacted with the details.
Where is the clubs training facilities?
All teams will train at Heritage College, Officer or Maranatha Christian School, Officer
Is training compulsory, what if we have a conflict with other sport or children?
Whilst it is expected that all children who wish to play will also attend training, the club understands that there are other school and external commitments from time to time. It is important that you communicate this in advance with your Coach and Team Manager.
Can parents volunteer to help at training or on game days?
We will have a roster for scorers on game day. It is expected that scoring duties will be shared among all parents equally throughout the season. Parents who are available to coach are always welcomed.
What’s the clubs policy on various issue?
You can find our code of conduct here
Where can I go to get other information about the club?
We endeavour to keep the website up to date. The club's Facebook page and members groups are also a good source of information. Finally, contact us via the Contact forms or go through your Team Manager.